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生意编号27237 最近更新2023年08月31日 736人已浏览

(已失效)Well Established, Good Location and Premium Environment of Preschool for Age 2 to Age 6



  • 物业类型 购物百货中心
  • 物业面积 5000尺² / 465米²
  • 每月租金 RM14500
  • 房租押金 RM4.35万
  • 月营业额 RM7.5万
  • 欠款负债
  • 月毛利润 RM2万
  • 月净利润
  • 库       存
  • 设施设备
  • 应付帐款
  • 应收账款
  • 卖家职责 全职
  • 员工人数
  • 成立时间
  • 发布来源 个人


Healthy Issue and Unable to handle it


Business Overview
- Pre-school/kindergarten for children aged 2 to 6 years.
- We can occupied 85 students enrolled and 14 staffs.
- Every student pays a half-yearly fee, yearly fee, monthly fee, and deposit while enrolling in the program.
- We are one of the famous brands from one of the city's top-listed kindergartens with a group of 33 branches.

Programme Overview
- We strive to integrate the experience and interaction with teachers, facilities, environment, educational activities, and daily routine activities, to encourage exploration, discovery, and experience of knowledge, not just academically, but in other major areas of life as well.
- e develop children’s positive personalities through the implementation of classroom rules, class leader system, target behavior & life skills routines so that they acquire life-long skills with good living habits, and personalities and are able to make decisions, solve problems independently and creatively.
- STREAM Programme consists of Science, Technology, Reading & Writing, Engineering, Art, and Mathematic. All these areas will be integrated into Integrated Theme Learning which inspires children to think and come out the ideas and solutions creatively.
- Core Skills Development Programme focus on 4 major skills of development which are Curious Readers, Life Skills, Little Scientist and Creative Master. It helps to develop children’s critical thinking and problems solving skills, facilitates the children in balanced development and develops life skills to become an independent, caring, and confident individual.

Assets Overview
- Well furnished with sliding door, grilled window, hidden door, and glass door.
- Furniture includes big refrigerator, microwave oven, Amway air purifier, 12 pcs air conditioners, 8 ceiling fan, kitchen cabinet, library shelves, bookshelves, tables, chairs, cabinet, reception, cupboards, 2 units computer and 7 units TV monitors, one 70" Touch Screen Smart Board, stage, whiteboards and etc.
- 16 CCTV (cable) and 13 wireless CCTV security systems.
- Indoor Playground and equipment.

Facilities Overview
- We have a rented 3-unit shop lot with 6 classrooms that can cater to 15 – 20 students per classroom and In total it is an approximately 5,000 sq. ft. property.


