Business Advantage :
Major Client-tele are corporate body
Located in a busy area of the city, it is one of the best known in the field.
It has been in business for 30 years and has accumulated many long-term and stable customers and cooperative partners.
The company has the most advanced dry cleaning technology and is also a member of the Institute of International Organizations.
The company has been approved by MAS as a Non-certificated Contract Maintenance Supplier under the MAS FAA Accepted Quality System and is now included in the MAS Supplier Approved FAA Non-Certified Contractors List.
Provide a list of technicians and suppliers.
Have multiple washing machines worth more than 1mil.
Everything is ready, you can start business as soon as you take over.
Corporate contract signed with hotels,corporate, ballroom,still valid, ongoing
Reason for sale: The owner going to retire
生意地点 : [ Ampang Jaya ]
主要客户群酒店,大型会议厅&连锁机构, 在该领域的知名度数一数二。
位于市区繁忙区域, 在该领域的知名度数一数二。
拥有多架洗衣机器价值1mil 以上。
出顶原因 : 业主要退休了